CISL Seminar: NCAR’s Earth System Data Science Initiative

A CISL seminar for NCAR/UCAR staff

Mar. 16, 2022

1:00 pm MDT


Speaker: Matthew Long, NCAR/CGD



The NCAR Earth System Data Science initiative is a grassroots effort predicated on the recognition that effective analysis of large datasets is a rate-limiting step to advancing Earth system science. ESDS aims to promote deeper collaboration centered on analytics, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the NCAR/UCAR workforce and improving our capacity to deliver actionable, reproducible science in collaboration with the university community. In this talk I will discuss the motivation for ESDS, highlight several ongoing activities, and present examples of common challenges and opportunities related to reproducible science.


Matthew Long is a Scientist in the Oceanography Section of the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory at NCAR. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Tufts University and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Dr. Long served as a United States Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzania where he taught high school Physics. He has worked as an civil engineer, developing watershed, river, and sewer-network models to guide municipal infrastructure investments. During his Ph.D., he built automated instruments to measure ocean carbon variables and deployed these on research cruises in Antarctica and on the Great Barrier Reef. His research at NCAR centers on questions related to the global carbon cycle and the impacts of climate variability and change on ocean biogeochemistry and marine ecosystems.



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